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Matplotlib styles bug fix
The seaborn-ticks and seaborn-whitegrid matplotlib styles which were available in matplotlib 3.4.* are not available since matplotlib 3.6.*, and have been substituted with seaborn-v0_8-ticks and seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid respectively.
The problem is that cobra requirements.txt asks for matplotlib>=3.4.3, which can create the issue if the matplotlib version installed is actually greater than 3.5.* (last version supporting the seaborn-ticks plot style).
Task Description
You can check yourselves in the style files that are linked here below from the matplotlib GitHub repo:
v2.2.* and v3.5.* versus v3.6.* and v3.8.* (latest)
Regarding Cobra, the files where these styles are used are:
- ./cobra/evaluation/
- ./cobra/evaluation/
- ./cobra/evaluation/
Found where they mention the change in the Matplotlib changelog:
matplotlib's team advise is to take the style directly from the seaborn package. Therefore, the solution for the long run should probably not be neither 2 nor 3, although I proposed them haha.