Jinyu Liu
Jinyu Liu
Fix the generation issues when primary key is a custom type When primary key is a custom type, the generated code for updateKeyAfterInsert and getKey will use String as return...
== Summary == When primary key is a custom type, the generated code for updateKeyAfterInsert and getKey will use String as return type instead of the actual custom type, which...
同一个文件,第一次下载速度能达到1M以上,下载30秒后Ctrl+C断开后,用 `lixian_cli.py download --continue` 续传,这次速度徘徊在15K左右。
the library now depends on react 15 & 16. it doesn't work under react 17. I am wondering is there any plan to upgrade the dependency?
this can be reproduced on Chrome/macOS Shortcut key: command+s Behavior: Do nothing restart the browser, press CMD+S and the save dialog still popup.
Python 3.7.5 Source code ``` import stardict import dictutils dictionary = stardict.open_dict('ecdict.mini.csv') dictutils.generator.compile_stardict(dictionary, 'sd', 'sd') ``` Error ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/jinyuliu/workspace/ECDICT/dictutils.py", line 1062, in generator.compile_stardict(dictionary, 'sd',...