Paschalis Melissas
Paschalis Melissas
My problem solved by reducing the size of the input video..
> > > i can't upload file **** on google colab what can I do now Just place the following code snippet in a cell and replace the *path/to/your/code/* with...
Hello! I am facing the same issue when I try to train my own labeled dataset. Could there be any potential clues on what exactly is happening? producing zero estimating...
@Avalon7 A simple hack that one can do is that you can load a prototype .mat file from the original dataset using ` from import loadmat,savemat prototype = loadmat(prototype_path)...
Does anyone has an explanation about it?
To obtain the contour (perimeter) of the binary mask, you could try something like this: ``` def mask2polygon(image,masks): _,_,numasks=masks.shape image_copy = image.copy() polygons=[] if numasks==0: print('Null predictions') return [] elif...
Can we define a custom image resolution ? Because the default option alters the initial resolution of the frame...
to answer to my question, it goes like this : Edit-->preferences-->Profiles(tab)-->Default Profile Select the desired resolution and restart application. Frame is exported accordingly.