Mask_RCNN copied to clipboard
"False value" in x,y coodinates of mask
In the predict value of mask im gettin "False value" and not the coodinates,why?
This is the code:
print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids), dataset.class_names))
path_to_new_image = '/content/drive/MyDrive/MaskRCNN/Stomata/train/ 73-ab1.jpg' image1 = mpimg.imread(path_to_new_image)
results1 = model.detect([image1], verbose=1) r1 = results1[0] mask = r1['masks'] print(mask)
ax = get_ax(1) r1 = results1[0] visualize.display_instances(image1, r1['rois'], r1['masks'], r1['class_ids'], dataset.class_names, r1['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions1")
Does anyone has an explanation about it?
It's a binary mask, you can find the number of true (or false) pixel, but i think you can use another model like detectron2 if you want the semantic. It's more supported