Juga Paazmaya

Results 103 comments of Juga Paazmaya

Possibly related to #31

Possibly related to #31

Ok, well let's see if I could sort these out...

How about then switching away from `jsdom-little` completely and head over https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio?

Working in a PR. Is there are use case when the library is used outside the Node.js context? Since there are things like this: ``` coffee if module? isNode =...

Sorry for the silence. Given the above requirements, it would seem that Cheerio is not the way to go then. I started looking at taking the latest jsdom 3.x in...

Same issue in Mac, CasperJS 1.1.1, SlimerJS 0.10.0

Ok then, thanks for the escaping pointers, got it working, once also changed the `@` separator to `/`.