Juga Paazmaya

Results 103 comments of Juga Paazmaya

Now released in `v0.8.0` via #39

Great to hear you agree. Yes, initially just copy & paste and replace Grunt related methods with plain Node.js counterparts.

Perhaps Photobox could be changed so that it would created the front end as it does now, but the image comparison is done via https://www.npmjs.com/package/shigehachi (which also has a Grunt...

## Ignore are and compare are color and fill shape difference Make it more obvious which rectangle is for what purpose. ## When new image is empty, provide clear info...

## Limit registration to a certain email domain Allow the possibility to configure email based registration to be limited to a certain domain ## Verify email during registration Before any...

I was having the same issue some time ago. The above described `expand` method is the one endorsed by Grunt, so it would make sense any plugins to support it.

Would you be willing to try that in a PR?

@tobmaster Hi there! Would you have time to update this PR? I could then try to mimic the behaviour in `agent-playwright` to have them matching.