Juga Paazmaya

Results 89 comments of Juga Paazmaya

Add the line `"michelf/php-markdown": "1.4.1"` in the `require` object of your `composer.json` file. https://packagist.org/packages/michelf/php-markdown @michelf perhaps this could be mentioned in the `README.md` ?

With 1.5.6 and jQuery 2.1.0, I am getting ``` Uncaught ReferenceError: rel is not defined ``` From line 360. My code does not rely on it, and it is triggered...

Hi, both latest Chrome and Firefox. Tried with CodePen to create minimal version and that seemed to work. Eventually deployed the faulty version, http://www.naginata.fi/en

Hi, sorry and yes, it was not supposed to be your duty.. Thanks for quick update!

Further looking at this, the error arrives from https://github.com/jackmoore/colorbox/blob/master/jquery.colorbox.js#L360 Perhaps it is that I am using global `'use strict';`, and by the look of it, `rel` is not declared before.

By adding `rel` to the list starting at line 131, fixes the issue.

Possibly related to #31

Could you share a minimal sql file contents and the settings used, that trigger this behaviour?

Thank you. What kind of settings are you using?

Can you create a Pull Request with the suggested fix?