Owen Pearson

Results 64 issues of Owen Pearson

**Note: this PR is one of four parallel pull requests to add first class support for Ably to Laravel.** Background: the current Ably broadcaster uses the Pusher JavaScript SDK and...

Currently when using ably-js with Salesforce Lightning Locker the library throws the following error on import: `Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'navigator')` The root cause is that the...

Someone recently opened #943 which is a bug with the promisified version of `RestPresence.get`. This would have been caught by our tests but we don't currently have any tests which...


* lint-staged and husky are two such popular tools in JS ecosystem. * Now that we have a code formatting check it is quite easy to forget to format your...


* Using the `Types` namespace is idiosyncratic and generally not what other libraries do. * Ideally in v2 of the library we would move the types over completely, but for...

Once #889 is merged we should update the GitHub workflow to also release to NPM. ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Jira Task](https://ably.atlassian.net/browse/SDK-1620) by [Unito](https://www.unito.io)

`RealtimeChannel`, for example, is missing. ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Jira Bug](https://ably.atlassian.net/browse/ECO-4437) by [Unito](https://www.unito.io)


The public API is currently pretty sparsely documented in terms of inline documentation. Most of the API is already well documented on ably.com/documentation so this will mainly just be a...

These will be a lot more expressive if we create an enum with appropriate names for error codes. ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Jira Task](https://ably.atlassian.net/browse/SDK-1280) by [Unito](https://www.unito.io)

See [conversation](https://github.com/ably/ably-js/pull/804#discussion_r723533057). We should investigate whether there is a refactoring opportunity to parse incoming response headers generically rather than specifically checking for them when they're needed. ┆Issue is synchronized with...
