Owen Pearson

Results 28 comments of Owen Pearson

I'm trying to think what an ideal solution to this might look like... Much like the issue of documenting the async promise-based API it's quite hard to tell where platform-specific...

Hi @psionline-jliddell, We do provide a bundle which works in a standard webworker context, but service workers generally don't support `XmlHttpRequest` which is what the library currently uses to make...

Hi @pronevich thanks for raising this with us, we will investigate and get back to you once we understand the cause of this issue. Could you please let us know...

Hi @jimmywarting, As well as NPM, we currently distribute ably-js through our CDN, (usage instructions are in the README [here](https://cdn.ably.com/lib/ably.min-1.js)). The CDN distribution is a UMD module, so you can...

NB: when this issue is resolved the documentation at https://ably.com/documentation/realtime/usage#client-options for `ClientOptions.log` will need to be updated.

(should also look to remove this directive from 1.2.10 on the CDN)

I'll close this one anyway since I only opened this to track the dev tools error we were getting when I added source maps for all the bundles. I definitely...

Hi @alamaral, thanks for reporting this. I'll reopen the issue and we'll look into it with priority.

@vodolaz095 that link doesn't work for me but I know the test you're talking about. We've discussed it briefly [here](https://github.com/ably/ably-js/pull/804#discussion_r721583984) and it's just a bug in the backend API so...

Hey @MobinX, thanks for reporting this. The error messages here indicate that the client timed out opening a websocket connection with the Ably backend, possibly due to network connectivity issues....