Results 25 issues of MBO

@lkzhao Hey man this is a really cool and helpful demo, that would be cool Wondering if you can add interactive dismiss similar to the AppStore. Thanks

@goktugyil I would like to be able to have my last view controller appear right above my second last so to maintain context. [Much like this example.](https://dribbble.com/shots/1643937-Snapchat-Design-Improvement-Idea) ![snapchat_concept](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2222881/18688926/7d9a1012-7f54-11e6-8947-730a84d2217a.gif)


@tadejr Hey, I have a use case where I only add one token in the field so I have no need for the field to expand. Except it does when...

@RamonGilabert How do I stop an animation? For instance I have a button that I levitate infinitley. Problem is, when user presses the button, it recognizes the touch but doesnt...

@remirobert Video and Photos taken using the front-facing camera are mirrored from whats shown in the `previewLayer`. I know even the iOS camera behaves like this but I prefer the...

I keep getting this error

@BeauNouvelle How can we use this magic in SwiftUI's `Image` view?


@suzuki-0000 I want to add a stroke to the timer with `NSMutableAttributedString` however it wont work ``` swift let attribs = [ NSStrokeColorAttributeName: UIColor.blackColor(), NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.yellowColor(), NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: 2.0 ] self.countdownLabel.attributedText...

@piemonte I have a stories like feed going on and for memory purposes, once a "story" is advanced, I clean up the player in the previous VC by setting `player.playerView.playerLayer.player...

@JoeMatt ## What did you do? I present a modal with ```vc.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext ``` The presentingVC is a chat app VC with a list of chats. The chatCell's have...