Results 25 issues of MBO

@andresinaka The color properties are inaccessible apparently because of internal access controls. ```swift let snapTimer = SnapTimerView(x: 0, y: 0, w: 24, h: 24) //How I initialize. Im not using...

### Description `PhoneAuthProvider.provider().verifyPhoneNumber....` will fail to execute. No success callback, no error either. ### Reproducing the issue On Xcode 14, While using the SwiftUI lifecyle, if you configure firebase in...

api: auth

@johngraham262 Ive been having trouble with this since i dont know objective c. Can you enable time label to show minutes instead of seconds. it appears the counter.timeLabel.text is a...

@muukii Because looking at the code the "AppVersionMonitor.sharedMonitor.startup()" function is empty. ```swift open class AppVersionMonitor { ... open func startup() { 🤔 } } ```

@lucasecf I'm trying to apply your solution using the **[CameraEngine](https://github.com/remirobert/CameraEngine)** library but It uses `AVFoundation` not `UIImagePickerController` so I can't figure it out.