Results 25 issues of MBO

@danlozano Is there something that would cause cornerRadius to not show in UIPageViewController environment? I have a PageViewController with multiple child controllers. On initial load, there is no cornerRadius, but...


@danlozano Would like to maintain `shouldIgnoreTapOutsideContext = false` for dismissing Presentr but at the same time pass touch events to buttons below. Matching the CGPoint of the touch on the...


@msaps This request is an extension to #244 ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2222881/35822513-88302edc-0a7a-11e8-9dbb-1e7a3f177046.gif) To recap - It called for TabItem's to interpolate along as user swipes through childControllers. It's largely been implemented and [TinderBar](https://github.com/uias/Tinderbar/blob/master/Sources/Tinderbar/Bars/TinderBar/TinderBarLayout.swift)...


@msaps Is a TikTok style vertical layout possible with Tabman current or not. I see no indication although, if you turn your phone sideways its pretty much doing it 😃

@HarshilShah Would it be possible to add callbacks for events `willDismiss` and `didDismiss` to run code on or during those events. For Instance, I use the `Hero` transition library for...

@maustinstar ```swift HStack { Text("Thank You!") .shiny() .foregroundColor(.moneyRed) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .font(.system(size: 42, weight: .heavy)) Spacer() } ``` ```swift libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException *** Terminating app due to...

@yannickl For the `DynamicButtonStyle.arrowUp` I'm trying to round it but i end up with the arrow at the top instead of center. how come? Could you make it possible to...

@msanders Logs: https://gist.github.com/otymartin/4ffb1be00f09fb4e2673a3824f1a14ab

@saoudrizwan Playing sounds is pausing music app playbacks. This is especially deeply annoying in a messaging app setting (My friend wants to kill me for it 😂😂) I tried turning...

@andresinaka When animating the timer with duration, it doesnt work unless run on the mainthread like so...perhaps this should be done in the timer object otherwise you will be left...