
Results 129 comments of oskarth

Inspiration from Vitalik, 100% agree: https://twitter.com/vitalikbuterin/status/1010504159211282433?s=21 TwitterVitalik "Not giving away ETH" Buterin on Twitter“Wishlist: a blockchain node that only syncs when either (i) the app was used in the last...

Also see https://slock.it/incubed.html and https://hackmd.io/6IhsF6zRSqmtggvNnp1sHQ?both re ULC economic model - we have a lot of interesting paths forward here. After messaging reliability, getting solid light client support (regardless specific manifestation(s))...

keealive (backlog of core team iirc @mandrigin)

Slock it would be useful as another iteration of network incentivization (along with PN work), once research for initial messaging/offline is done. cc @cammellos @mandrigin

@mandrigin how does this currently fit into roadmap, especially with respect to bounty etc? I still think it'd be great to have a battery-eating heater in your pocket as an...

> @oskarth we have it enabled in one of the fleets, but the problem was usually that the initial sync never completes... So we can't call it "working". :( Isn't...

^ fyi @andremedeiros @rachelhamlin @adambabik This was completely dropped, while it likely isn't top 1 or 2 prio for core app for the next few months, it's quite embarrassing how...

Also see latest geth release perf wrt to this, plus new iterations of VIPNode, etc.

Just skimmed, but doesn't mention https://github.com/status-im/status-react/blob/develop/scripts/bundle-status-go.sh so my guess it doesn't (unless the use of this script changed).

I don't understand how someone can build status-react with custom status-go without knowing about this, so seems like it should be captured IMO