
Results 94 issues of opusforlife2

I got the app from F-Droid recently and I've quickly come across the issue where I have multiple different crashes from the same app, and I cannot remember the context...

new functionality

There is a top level Clear button which clears all crashes - fine. But when a particular app crash group is selected, there is still a Clear button in the...


When long-pressing on a crash log to delete it, you need to wait for the "1 crash selected" dropdown bar with the delete button to appear fully before lifting your...


Please update the app whenever you get the time.

From what I know, only the inbuilt PDF Viewer in the Google Drive app and Librera can open PDFs through a link shared from the browser/another app. Is that something...

**Describe the bug** The Daily Clean scheduled service runs even though the toggle in settings is off. **To Reproduce** 1. Turn off Daily Clean in settings. 2. Wait until you...


- Tapping or long pressing on File Versioning shows the ripple animation for both File Versioning and Ignore Patterns. - Tapping or long pressing on Ignore Patterns by itself shows...

### Official Instance - [X] The bug is reproducable on the [official hosted instance](http://piped.kavin.rocks/) or is API related. ### Describe the bug When all 3 codecs are selected, Piped seems...


### Checklist - [X] I am able to reproduce the bug with the [latest version](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/releases/latest). - [X] I made sure that there are *no existing issues* - [open](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues) or [closed](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed)...


This is a list of some major features currently missing from NewPipe for developers (both team members and current/future contributors) to go through when they are thinking of working on...

feature request