
Results 94 issues of opusforlife2

I have Scoop running in the background at all times to catch crashes, and I noticed it had a Seedvault crash. I have no context for this crash. It happened...

needs info

If you create a notification or reminder for a note, then edit it while the notification is there in the drop down, it keeps pinging with the updated text as...

If you pin a note, then remove the app from the recents list, opening the app again removes the pin. This happens even if you swipe down to sync with...

@adgad Are you still maintaining this project? Android 10+ allows the system to be dark themed. Moreover, kboard itself can be themed so it is dark in colour. But opening...

That last checklist item is ambiguous. Should you check the box or not if the answer is yes or no? I've changed the wording to make it more straightforward, and...

### ⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️ - [X] This is a **enhancement/feature request**. Not a [bug or question](https://github.com/gsantner/markor/issues/new/choose). - [X] The topic is **not** already reported at...


### Checklist - [X] I am able to reproduce the bug with the [latest version](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/releases/latest). - [X] I made sure that there are *no existing issues* - [open](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues) or [closed](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed)...


### Checklist - [X] I am able to reproduce the bug with the [latest version](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/releases/latest). - [X] I made sure that there are *no existing issues* - [open](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues) or [closed](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed)...


### Checklist - [x] I checked, but didn't find any duplicates of this issue in the repo. - [x] I have read the contribution guidelines given at https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/blob/HEAD/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md. - [x]...

feature request

The frequency of new issues in this repo is quite low, but I think a one-time investment in creating an Issue Form would be worth it.
