
Results 63 issues of opticyclic

None of your demos have context menus showing the standard Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All menus and functionality.

I am currently confused as to how to effectively use an EAP channel for my plugin https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360009478380-How-Do-I-Publish-To-An-EAP-Channel- The [docs](https://jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/tutorials/build_system/deployment.html#specifying-a-release-channel) suggest some popular names but they also imply that you can...

feedback required

I am currently using the Bundled Google Checks and I want to import it into IDEA for formatting (https://github.com/jshiell/checkstyle-idea/issues/126) and also be able to run checkstyle from Gradle. There doesn't...

The version of Kotlin (1.2.71) is almost 3 years old https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases/tag/v1.2.71 CordApps no longer compile in IDEA by default. When building with IDEA you get the error: `Kotlin: Language version...


According [to the docs](https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.7/api-states.html#state-pointers) > **Resolving state pointers in TransactionBuilder** > > When building transactions, any StatePointers contained within inputs or outputs added to a TransactionBuilder can be _**optionally**_ resolved...

awaiting response

Following up on https://github.com/corda/corda/issues/6812 since 4.6 you need to specify Liquibase scripts for schemas. This is really tedious to do by hand. If you start the node with the right...


Build the yo cordapp from the [samples](https://github.com/corda/samples-kotlin/tree/master/Basic/yo-cordapp). ./gradlew clean deployNodes Change the node.conf in the PartyA directory from `devMode=true` to `devMode=false` and run it cd build/nodes/PartyA sed -i 's/devMode=true/devMode=false/g' node.conf...


Since 4.6 it has been required to use Liquibase scripts to manage the schema. The Corda Enterprise docs have information about this: https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-enterprise/4.6/cordapps/database-management.html However, the equivalent doesn't appear to be...


Version: corda_release_version = '4.7' corda_gradle_plugins_version = '5.0.12' accounts_release_version = '1.0.2' If you start Corda with `java -jar corda.jar --allow-hibernate-to-manage-app-schema` when you have **no** custom schemas but **do** have the accounts...


The Vault Query docs all refer to doing queries in tests: https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.7/api-vault-query.html#example-usage---java The same queries don't seem to work the same over RPC. e.g. QueryCriteria generalCriteria = new VaultQueryCriteria(Vault.StateStatus.ALL); gets...
