
Results 66 issues of opticyclic

The HTTP example is from years ago https://github.com/corda/flow-http There are better ways to do that now: https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.7/api-flows.html#calling-external-systems-inside-of-flows

The tictacthor sample has a commented out section where the signer verification should be https://github.com/corda/samples-kotlin/blob/master/Accounts/tictacthor/contracts/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/samples/tictacthor/contracts/BoardContract.kt#L54-L56 // Signatures // TODO: Should only the initiating party sign? //"Both participants must sign a...

The only queries in the samples are getting all states by class or using LinearStateQueryCriteria to get via id. There are lots of other different query options available https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.8/api-vault-query.html#querycriteria-interface The...

Docker can be a bit daunting if you have never used it before. Add a Docker sample that clearly shows a deployment process involved creating your own docker image. e.g....

The [blob-inspector](https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.8/blob-inspector.html) could be useful for support staff to investigate issues. Add a sample demonstrating simple serialisation and also serialisation when using jars on the classpath.

Questions about load testing and performance frequently come up on Slack. Corda Enterprise has the jmeter test suite, however, most new people seem to want something simple to use with...

The docs talk about paging and sorting. It would be useful to have a demo that did pagination and sorting. How to do sorting on standard columns as well as...

In the original example repo there was an example of using custom queries: https://github.com/corda/cordapp-example/blob/release-V4/java-source/src/main/java/com/example/api/ExampleApi.java#L132-L137 QueryCriteria generalCriteria = new QueryCriteria.VaultQueryCriteria(Vault.StateStatus.ALL); FieldInfo lenderField = QueryCriteriaUtils.getField("lender", IOUSchemaV1.PersistentIOU.class); CriteriaExpression lenderIndex = Builder.equal(lenderField, myLegalName.toString()); QueryCriteria...

It would be useful to have an example that demonstrates [LinearPointers](https://docs.corda.net/design/linear-pointer/design.html).

There are some [samples in the main repo](https://github.com/corda/corda/tree/release-os-4.3/samples) that would be useful to be here. e.g. there is a sample of how to use attachments there but no equivalent sample...