
Results 66 issues of opticyclic

**Discussion before adding a pull request:** In my test code I have a few extension functions to make using the accounts SDK easier. e.g. this: ``` val StateAndRef.uuid: UUID get()...


This follows on from https://github.com/corda/accounts/pull/53 addressing #46 to make the example projects standalone so they can be used as a sample base for new accounts based projects. The pull request...

I can create a state using accounts but I can't subsequently update that state in a different flow. The account cannot be found in the second flow even though it...

#53 is blocked because the examples projects are apparently being used as tests: > I'm not sure this is a good idea for all of the samples. > > They...

It would be useful to have an example that is taken from the corda samples project and modified to work with accounts


There is a service called `shareAccountInfoWithParty` that the gold-trading example uses for trading using accounts instead of nodes. It would be useful if there was a function that shared **_all_**...


I can create an account from the shell like this: flow start CreateAccount name: TestAccount However, it seems impossible to share that account with another node from the shell due...


The examples use project references in the [build.gradle](https://github.com/corda/accounts/blob/master/examples/gold-trading/cordapp/build.gradle#L39-L40) cordapp project(":contracts") cordapp project(":workflows") This is contradictory to what the README says: cordapp "$accounts_release_group:accounts-contracts:$accounts_release_version" cordapp "$accounts_release_group:accounts-workflows:$accounts_release_version" When you add the dependencies in...


There are some useful functions in the test code that allow you to write more readable code e.g. `val signedTx = banks.startFlow(flow).runAndGet(network)` https://github.com/corda/accounts/blob/master/workflows/src/test/kotlin/com/r3/corda/lib/accounts/workflows/test/TestUtils.kt And others like fun StartedMockNode.accountService(): AccountService {...

I took the code example from here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14375854/jmockit-and-fest-ui-testing and put it in a gradle project here https://github.com/opticyclic/assertj-swing-mocks The [test](https://github.com/opticyclic/assertj-swing-mocks/blob/master/src/test/java/com/github/opticyclic/demo/assertj/SimpleFormTest.java) code inside the `GuiActionRunner` doesn't seem to get mocked even though...