Omer Faruk Edemen

Results 8 comments of Omer Faruk Edemen

@kukulinxin i fixed the problem. check [here](

hello @germanferrando how do you install opencv 2.4.9 on jetson nano? I am getting some error and i couldn't fix it

After I had faced this issue i tried visual odometry with [open-vins]( ROS1 and i faced exactly same issue here after some research someone fixed this with installing opencv 3.4.1....

Thanks for the reply I tried many times actually even I tried to build packages by one by but It kept up giving this error. But I solved this issue...

Yeah it shouldn't have prevent compilation. As I said, I tried many times and I got same result before making changes. Here exactly what I changed: ![image]( and ![image](

I got same issue again and this time changing these lines didn't work. So i disable to do that `sudo systemctl set-default # after that restart your system...

> Wow, those IMU noises are far to big and hits that your IMU driver isn't correct. What are you using for that? I am using a drive that i...

> Looking at the kalibr timing it seems your IMU has bad timestamps, which would also affect your IMU noise values. I tried to reduce my imu noises with getting...