VINS-Mono copied to clipboard
VINS-Mono crashed on ubuntu 18.0
I am using Jetson Xavier NX, Ubuntu 18.0, ROS Melodic, Opencv 4.1. I was able to built, but could not run the vins_estimator node. It crashed at the following line:
cv::FileStorage fsSettings(config_file, cv::FileStorage::READ);
I do not know if the line above has problem, or my environment setup has problem. Has anyone successfully run this repo on Ubuntu 18.0?
Hi, you should install OpenCv 2.4.9. I tried with a lot of versions and that is the one, purge your OpenCV and try with this one
hello @germanferrando how do you install opencv 2.4.9 on jetson nano? I am getting some error and i couldn't fix it
After I had faced this issue i tried visual odometry with open-vins ROS1 and i faced exactly same issue here after some research someone fixed this with installing opencv 3.4.1. It worked for me as well here is the instruction i followed for installing opencv:
Btw i encounterd some errors while opencv was building:
errors and their solutions are in these link