Olivier Perrin
Olivier Perrin
> > is there anything to do with proxy configuration ? > > @olperr1 I guess you add some doc on core side to how configure the proxy for the...
> > ```shell > > ./mvnw -DproxyHost=XXX -DproxyPort=XXX -Dhttp.proxyUser=XXX -Dhttp.proxyPassword=XXX -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes= clean > > ``` > > This one is problematic for us, because call of mvnw is done automatically...
In the current state, there is a problem with the `Subnetwork`s. Since `Area` and `AreaType` don't have a real `parentNetwork` management, they will always be attached to the root network....
> Sonar raise coverage error mostly because of IDE generated equals and hashcode that I added for Rao (where they are tested) (where they are used by Set). Can we...
> I have some issues with the checkstyle plugin with some of the new syntax offered with the update to java 17. The commit [bfe1cfd](https://github.com/powsybl/powsybl-core/commit/bfe1cfdc8cd76a607fe02b53098b52c3066dcc06) allows me to pass the...
The java17 syntax support was merged in `main`. If you update the branch, you will not need your "hack" anymore.