PyObjects whose pystring method returns a multiline string have their first row misaligned when shown. For example ```julia using PyCall qiskit = pyimport("qiskit") qc = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(1) qc.x(0) qc.draw() ``` gives...
Currently, `norm(sys, inf)` (alternativey, `hinfnorm(sys)`) corresponds to the `Base.opnorm`. It seems inconsistent that these can be used with `norm(sys, inf)`. I suggest that we remove `norm` altogether and instead add...
This changes to an external package for matrix equations that I've been trying to put together here `https://github.com/olof3/ControlMatrixEquations.jl`. See #303 for some benchmarks of the linear solvers and some thoughts...
The current docstring assumes that there is a statespace realization of the system. It should be written more generically. Perhaps we should also allow `freqresp(sys)`, i.e., without providing a frequency...
Straight-forward Implementation of Bartels--Stewart's algorithm. It seems to perform quite well and the code is reasonably concise compared to e.g., the implementation in MatrixEquations. The intention is not to pull...
Haven't investigated this much but it might be a problem with the promotion.
Something like the following has to be solved for discrete-time LQR problems with a penalty on the output signal. ``` A = randn(2,2) B = randn(2) C = [-100 1]...
The following doesn't work for example ```julia lyap(randn(3,3), Symmetric(randn(3, 3))) ``` I think that we should consider to start using [`MatrixEquations`](https://github.com/andreasvarga/MatrixEquations.jl).
`bodeplot(delay(1.0))` gives a very thin, suspect-looking subplot for the magnitude response (using GR). The results looks more reasonable with PyPlot.
Should it for example be allowed to create StateSpace objects using the convenience constructor ss? Very few users want to use complex-valued linear systems, and will most likely only create...