There was some kind of example in the original post, but I've updated it to make it more clear.
That's annoying. But it works if you make the tolerance smaller? Is it for discrete-time or continuous-time systems that you are seeing problems? Perhaps the default settings should be changed...
> norm is not the only function I passed kwargs through, it applies to hinfnorm etc. as well Ah, right, didn't look too closely. Good that you added the kwargs...
Yes, at least it should be possible to do pole-zero matching for systems on zpk form.
I'm working on a PR fixing this and some other issues, I hope to have the time to finish it any day now.
`https://github.com/olof3/ControlMatrixEquations.jl` A lot more that needs to be done and some design decisions that need to be taken. I'd be happy if you'd give it a try. You can post...
Yes, seems like it would be a good idea to export a function with that functionality. To me `iscontinuous` feels a little bit imprecise though, the state of a discrete-time...
Is it the length (6 extra characters) that is problem? The function will would not be used that often, at most once in a few functions here and there, and...
The current implementation of `dlyap` use the "naive" version and is really worthless, so anything would be better than that. MatrixEquations uses vanilla Bartels-Stewart, which is quite straight-forward, but the...
>For methods accepting LTISystem we no longer need to add the c/d pre/postfix since this info is contained in the type of the system, hence, we can just call the...