Results 96 comments of Paul Delafosse

This is unsual indeed, I will try to implement this and we shall see.

Having the option to bypass the template engine and use a symlink directly would be nice indeed, I will work on this soon.

Hey @svenstaro I will not be able to look at this before next week. I'll take a look as soon as I can

This is not implemented but it would be nice to expose a set of default variable including the current OS.

A homebrew repo is available here : [oknozor/homebrew-tap](

Hey @dannysauer go ahead this would be nice. There is also [cargo-deb]( That might be useful. If it is possible I'd rather have the deb package generated by cargo. Also...

Hello @dannysauer are you still working on this ?

@TravisDavis-ops It would be great to have a nix package ! I've broken a thing or two on the main branch today, I shall fix that asap but the tests...

I also implemented the possibility to use a length prefix multiple time like this : ```rust #[derive(Protocol, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct WithElementsLengthUsedTwice { pub count: u32, pub foo: bool,...

I started to work on a "skip_if" attribute, for now the derive implementation is quite naive (and only `Parcel::read` is implemented). The idea is to be able to skip serialization/deserialization...