Results 96 comments of Paul Delafosse

- [x] create a passwordless test key to write some unit tests (see : - [ ] consider adding a `--force-signed-commit` flag/config option to `cog check` and git hooks

not yet, I have been working on other project recently. I will document it soon.

There are a lot of good ideas here ! I tend to strictly follow the conventional commit and semver spec so I am probably missing some common use case where...

# TODO - [ ] validation against existing scope (fuzzy search) - [ ] suggestion - [ ] known scope (optional config) - [x] ~~Auto scoping~~ (this is a bit...

Hello @thibaud-sanchez, thanks for the suggestion. This could be easily implemented by adding footers to the changelog template context and creating an ad-hoc [tera]( macro to filter co-author username. Once...

Fixed in [5.2.0](

Waiting for

Hello @jmgilman, Currently no hook are run when using `cog commit`, we would need to implement the equivalent of [`int run_commit_hook`]( Until its done you can use `git commit` with...

> Should it also support components like version does, i.e. +minor, -SNAPSHOT? Since we will probably be wrapping the existing implementation to get that done, supporting the version DSL will...

Cocogitto will work just fine if you create the first SemVer tag manually. For cog checks and cocogitto-action you can use the `from-latest-tag` argument. That said It wouldn't be a...