Results 96 comments of Paul Delafosse

- [x] Archlinux AUR - [ ] .deb - [x] Homebrew - [ ] Windows Note : it would be nice to have some windows and macos users testing cocogitto.

@lucas-dclrcq is working on adding the capability to edit the first commit. Letting this open this I don't know yet if this is actually possible.

That would be easy to implement :)

Hello @markstos onagre does launch without a config file. The thread panic occurs because you don't have [pop-launcher]( installed on your system I think.

Hello @vincens2005, thanks for the report. Seems KWin render onagre in a default container. I have never tried KWin, i'll install it and see if there is a work around....

@Nimmidev I don't have this issue on sway, can you provide a screenshot ?

Unfortunately we gonna have to wait for to be implemented before transparency works on wayland, meanwhile you need to remove border-radius from your config.

I don't have time to update this PR know but it should work using my eww fork if yo carefully killing other apps using the dbus system stray. I don't...