Olivier Goffart

Results 270 comments of Olivier Goffart

> Is there a benefit to shipping unused backend/rendering code in the binaries included in the .vsix file? There is a config option to select the backend with vscode, so...

> We can have different default feature for different architecture though. > > How is this possible? in the backend-selector ```toml [target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies] i-slint-backend-winit = { feature="renderer-skia" } ```...

Ah Right. We'll would neet to hack something using another level of indirection. Or, since the skia backend anyway doesn't compile in wasm, we can make the feature a no_op...

Is that a compile-time or run-time setting?

maybe a `visible` property on the `Window` element, which the developer can choose to expose. And a `close_event() -> EventResult` callback which could also prevent the window from being closed.

@idipot You would add a `fn is_visible(&self) -> bool` (or should it actually be called `is_shown()`?) to the `api::Window` which then would forward that to a new function in the...

When not using the Qt backend, we are using winit which should already support IME. (Some bugs for it were reported before: #511 ). So I believe it should work.

There is internal API which we use for the LSP preview (EventLoopQuitBegiavior) https://docs.rs/i-slint-core/latest/i_slint_core/backend/trait.Backend.html#tymethod.run_event_loop We should somehow expose a way to keep the event loop alive when there are no window....

Thanks for the bug report. border-width is not a property of the ListView. It accidentally work in some case because we leak internal stuff through inheritance in the style We...

The definition here in your screenshot is on the same line. For .cpp file, it is not there because it is actually a different macro, and since it is defined...