Olivier Goffart

Results 270 comments of Olivier Goffart

I am so far using google (press enter in the search input and you'll be redirected to google) I implemented a custom search by building a word index. But that...

How did you generate that compilation database? It looks like clang's compilation database parser don't support extra key. Also your version of LLVM is quite old, perhaps output is a...

Does the libclang-6.0-dev package not come with a ClangConfig.cmake file? Maybe there is a clang-dev package? You can try to do ``` find /usr/ -name ClangConfig.cmake ``` To find if...

https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ClangConfig.cmake&mode=exactfilename&suite=cosmic&arch=any says the package would be `clang-6.0` I suppose you would also need to do `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/lib/cmake/clang` or someting like that

Hi @Durvi98 It doesn't look like you are commenting on the right github repository.

There is no encoding specified in the generator. Technicaly, the source code also does not specify the encoding. We could add a type to specify the encoding. The alternative is...

What language are you using to interact with SixtyFPS? Most language support a way to set the working directory. `std::env::set_current_dir` in rust or `std::filesystem::current_path` in C++. Or do i misunderstand...

Appologies. When writing my previous comment i thought it was in a different repository so I did not understand the feature request correctly. This is an absolutely valid feature request....

Thanks for reporting the bug! One problem is that the item of the treeview have different height depending if they have a button or not. And this causes a bunch...

It there is an official Qt way, it would be to use `nullptr` now. (But I think currently, qtkeychain still does not require C++11. But I think it would make...