
Results 175 comments of nyanpasu64

Using the git-cola-git AUR package, pointing to main 74e94ae1fc4299d36adbb1cc456df9a674fa72b3. Now showing a file diff works, but staged images don't show anything. And if I stage an image, quit and reopen...

I'm using the `git-cola-git` AUR package, pointing to the newly pushed b63bc427413b51622fe3088b2423119d4f65db44: > Git Cola version 3.10.1 (v3.10-39-gb63bc427) > Linux-5.13.7-zen1-1-zen-x86_64-with-glibc2.33 > Python (/usr/bin/python) 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16) [GCC...

Why was this rejected? I load config files from YAML, where user input is generally in the form of `str`. I would like to use a "converter decorator" to convert...

Just fixed the links in my original post. I haven't looked at @Trass3r's code yet. But for single-use parameterization (not many tests with the same parameters), sometimes I just write...

poke > Note that PNG used not to have a standard way to embed EXIF (hence people putting it in XMP) but then [ `eXIf`was added](https://ftp-osl.osuosl.org/pub/libpng/documents/pngext-1.5.0.html#C.eXIf) to the extension chunks...

Fails to build on Windows with MSVC: ``` C:\Users\nyanpasu64\code\tenacity\src\AboutDialog.cpp:241: error: C2065: 'USE_PORTMIXER': undeclared identifier C:\Users\nyanpasu64\code\tenacity\src\AboutDialog.cpp:241: error: C2665: 'AboutDialog::AddBuildInfoRow': none of the 2 overloads could convert all the argument types C:\Users\nyanpasu64\code\tenacity\src\AboutDialog.h(90):...

This is not a distro-specific bug; it's a program bug only caught in Flatpak builds: > Regular Audacity performs out-of-bounds reads but doesn't crash; it's still UB and wrong. I...

btw I think https://github.com/audacity/audacity/compare/master...nyanpasu64:fix-spectrum-master doesn't fix the bug, the patch in my above comment does. If my branch doesn't encounter the bug, I think that just means the assertion doesn't...

Moto G5 Plus, stock Android 7.1, rooted via Magisk. When I open the Root folder, no files are visible at all. Drag-refresh is instant and doesn't make files appear.