
Results 175 comments of nyanpasu64

I think the problem is that the scroll continues for much longer with less friction (2-3 seconds) than it does in normal android (1-2 seconds).

I develop ovgenpy, a related program based around an advanced correlation-based trigger. The main algorithm is located at: https://github.com/jimbo1qaz/ovgenpy/blob/master/ovgenpy/triggers.py#L154 - It correlates windowed audio with an internal windowed buffer, then...

I use numpy/scipy to do the fft correlation, I don't know how the fft works either ;) To fix your trigger, you could use my unit tests (test_trigger and test_trigger_stride...

Well that's embarrassing... I try running `/Applications/Maestral.app/Contents/MacOS/Maestral` under LLDB, it won't start. I have to disable SIP ([link](https://web.archive.org/web/20210902161336im_/https://techstuffer.com/disable-sip-apple-silicon-m1/#primary)), reboot, try again... this time no crash. I don't know if it's...

If you already have SIP disabled, you can try debugging Maestral in LLDB. Otherwise you could try cloning and building https://github.com/samschott/maestral and https://github.com/samschott/maestral-cocoa, then see what see whether you can...

Personally I feel the AWS CLI isn't obvious that the comment contains "the expected format of the input in the beginning of most parsing methods". It looks almost like outdated...

Interestingly, when I build GammaRay from source in Qt Creator rather than Craft, using the same compiler (MSVC x64), it never hangs. It seems `CreateToolhelp32Snapshot` and `GetLastError()` operate differently. So...

Can you export slides as text events? That would allow conversion into SMW AMK pitch slides, or possibly high-level DAW commands (don't know if they exist). Someone mentioned converting pitch...

is `102 Chrono Trigger.spc` manually hacked to loop, whereas the game's original spc won't loop? i'm not sure.

> Initially done, and it works (try the duplex example!). Why is JACK support in a separate branch (https://github.com/rustydaw/cpal/tree/duplex-jack) not included in this PR? Right now, this PR doesn't compile...