
Results 175 comments of nyanpasu64

It would take someone with an Atari ST for testing (I don't have one), and an interest in making it work. If you want it fixed, you could try debugging...

One idea is a person with an Atari ST taking a trace of 1 or more signal frames, using a high-speed ADC card like the cheap (single-channel) https://github.com/happycube/cxadc-linux3, then sending...

> the returned token is stored I tried logging in in gtkcord4. After opening Seahorse (Passwords and Keys), it showed the only password saved by gtkcord4 is `__secret_available_000` from [`Keyring::IsAvailable()`](https://github.com/diamondburned/chatkit/blob/main/kits/secret/keyring.go#L29)....

How would I test the change locally? Editing ~/go/... failed to save the file. I tried cloning gtkcord4 and editing that, then ran `go install -v .`, and now it's...

Specifically the screen shows incorrect contents during chkdsk; chkdsk's output shows up as flickering colored pixels in the top 10% of my screen. Maybe it's mapping a low-res possibly-grayscale framebuffer...

I'm still getting this issue on 2.6 (related #33 was closed). It seems "open in Firefox, do automatically" produces expected behavior (tasvideos.org loads normally). * Turns out doing the above...

(unrelated) On Kubuntu 18.04, I was getting a bug where pressing "Save File" popped up Firefox's native save dialog. I can't reproduce on Firefox Dev + Windows 10 at the...

How do I test OP's bugfix? Did you not push it yet, do you have a debug build for me to test? Maybe you should automatically tell the user to...

I'm on 2.7, cleared my "Your saved MIME actions", and tasvideos.org still pops up a save dialog. Firefox 62.0b10 (64-bit)

If you move the harmonic-count slider to the left and redraw the wave, the slider moves to the right, but the wave (in the right pane, and when played back)...