
Results 15 issues of nxdefiant

I would like to know what is the unit on the x-axis in the Filterbank Output. Asking because when I generate a 500Hz tone with `speaker-test -t sin -f 500`...

I noticed that the first angle is inverted when using "gyro-only". Is that on purpose? Seems natural since clockwise is the natural direction of the compass while counter clock is...

I was looking for a way to update the recognizer vocabulary in runtime on the vosk-server and I found "test_words.py", so I was hoping that it does the job. Unfortunately...

The [hardware_interface tutorial](https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_control/wiki/hardware_interface) could need some improvements, especially the main function where e.g. it is not clear what to do with the arguments to pass to update(). The [ROScon 2014...

Since content from cdn.robotwebtools.org has moved [1] to static.robotwebtools.org some libraries fail to load. At least "three.min.js" still seems to be loaded from cdn. Please update. [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/robot-web-tools/plGsZWwtNv8/1M3QCCV3AgAJ

In rfm_filop_write() you are using this code fragment to increment the out_cur_end pointer to the end of the current buffer: ``` *rfm12->out_cur_end++ = 0; // hdr *rfm12->out_cur_end++ = (u8)copied; //...

maemo-statusmenu-volume contains the configuration file sinks.ini which has a device specific value in sink_name. It should be ``` sink_name=alsa_output.platform-sound.HiFi__hw_PinePhone_0__sink ``` on pinephone

If there is something wrong with hildon-desktop the script /etc/X11/Xsession.post/21hildon-desktop-wait will wait until the end of days. As a result the getty for login without X on tty1-tty6 won't be...

Hi, when running `openrave.py --database inversekinematics --robot=robots/barrettwam.robot.xml --usecached --iktests=100 --show` on branch latest_stable (but seems unchanged in master) on a ubuntu:16.04 docker image I get the following exception: > Traceback...

In the published sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message the value of header.frame_id is not set. According to the [documentation](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/NavSatFix.html) it should be set to the "frame of reference reported by the receiver, usually...