
Results 30 comments of nxdefiant

Had the same, setting pagingType fix it, e.g. `pagingType: "simple_numbers"`

I guess it simply means that it won't be fixed.

So all we have to do would be to create a class that inherits from kinematics::KinematicsBase and somehow combines it with kinematics.cpp

In my case I was running depthai inside docker. Looks like udev support for libusb needs to be disabled in this case with ./configure --disable-udev as done in the [luxonis...

Old, but try something like ` make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- ARCH=arm -C /path/to/your/linux-kernel-src M=$(pwd) modules `

You missed the first step in the Readme: Getting kernel source

rfm12 is half duplex. You can either send or receive. If multiple units send on the same frequency you would only read garbage, like two people talking at the same...

If that by accident is a raspberry pi with a new kernel try to enable spi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/device-tree.md

did you reboot after changing config.txt?

then you should ask this on the rpi boards. This is a problem of your rpi, not this module.