Nathaniel Wesley Filardo

Results 145 comments of Nathaniel Wesley Filardo

For some drive technologies, most notably SMR, writing can be significantly slower than reading and this can significantly improve recovering from aborted resilvers or from the ill effects of pre-#11930...

Well, to pitch in $.02, I am always terrified of needing to use "zfs destroy foo/bar@baz" to nuke snapshots, and consider the overloading of "destroy" here to be a little...

@richardelling That doesn't work for snapshots, since we can't set readonly: "this property can not be modified for snapshots". While I know that some sysadmins don't make mistakes, snapshots are,...

`ON_MEM_LIMIT` is the default configuration for my NodeMCU projects these days. I think it makes sense as the platform default due to the much better performance it offers. Unfortunately, LwIP...

Forgive a naive question, but I think this is the right place to ask and I didn't see anything of the sort mentioned above. Could we have an on-chip `flashmerge()`...

FWIW, I think "take as many passes as you need" is a perfectly reasonable approach, especially given the very limited heap space. I could even imagine this being something like...

Honestly, I'd prefer more comments in code. I ascribe to the Donald Knuth "it's a book for humans that happens to have some code in it" approach (and literate programming...

IMHO, if that kind of I/O safety matters, you should be using an I/O expander or other additional peripherals you completely control (possibly just to gate onboard peripherals; e.g., route...