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Results 1122 nuxt issues
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Run nuxt start with the configuration below. There is lot's of deprecation warning from npm.


### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.7 - node: v14.17.0 ### Reproduction 1. Reference a resource, e.g. a font using a relative URL in your CSS, e.g. ``` @font-face { font-family: "Open...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8.0 - node: v14.19.1 ### Reproduction Additional Details Asyncdata is executed twice when switching pages ### Steps to reproduce Asyncdata is executed twice when switching pages,...


My problem is that I have to add custom headers to my Nuxt page in order that `SharedArrayBuffer` may work. I know how to add custom headers to assets served...


I am trying to access `app.router.beforeResolve` in nuxt middleware, which is succeding, but if the said link is open with `target="_blank"`, the function is not being invoked. ### Versions -...


### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.8 - node: 18.1.0 ### Reproduction 1. Create minimal nuxt application - like this [](url) 2. Dockerize it - like this [](url) 3. set NUXT_HOST environment...

workaround available
pending triage

It would be good to add the ability to check there is a newer version of code available on the server and (if so) refresh in the background. **Proposed changes**:...


### Versions - nuxt: 2.4.0 - node: v12.6.0 ### Reproduction Additional Details ### Steps to reproduce npm install npm run dev ### What is Expected? cross-env NODE_ENV=development nodemon server/index.js --watch...


### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.8 - @nuxt/types: 2.15.8 - Visual Code Studio + Vetur ### Reproduction I currently implementing nuxt + typescript via Vue.extend When creating head function that returns...

pending triage

### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v12.19.0 ### Reproduction Check [this repo]( for example code & detail reproduce procedure. Hydration stop working when: 1. target = `static` 2. user...
