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### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.8 - node: 16.14.0 ### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce - Create a projet - Add a head function qui a titleTemplate like so: ``` titleTemplate:...


### What problem does this feature solve? Example use case: A static generated app with thousands of routes, like an e-commerce having a route for each product. Apart from scheduling...


**The header information of page A is displayed as page B,It often happens when the server is busy** **Page A head info like this** ![image]( **Page B head info like...


### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.8 - node: v16.15.1 ### Reproduction Create a plugin with Typescript and add it via a module with the following code: ``` this.addPlugin({ src: path.resolve(__dirname, 'plugin.ts'),...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently when building in server mode a `.nuxt` folder is created with 99% of needed artifcated for your website....


Is it possible to reload the script when navigation is done through routers? ```typescript head: { script: [ src: ''https://my.src/", defer: true, // reload when navigation is done through the...

### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v14.18.2 ### Reproduction File - nuxt.config.js ``` head: { title: 'Global title', titleTemplate: '%s - Aura', htmlAttrs: { lang: 'en', }, meta: [...


### Versions nuxt: v2.15.7 node: v16.13.1 ### Reproduction []( Click on "cart" at the above link. It should link to `/stories/christo-jeanne-claude-me?cart=open` but it only links to `/christo-jeanne-claude-me?cart=open` ### Steps to...


### Version [v2.10.1]( ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce The link presented is of a sample project created with Nuxt using `$ npx create-nuxt-app `. I made no...


Hello there! 👋 I have searched the internet (Google, Stack Overflow, GitHub) for a solution to my problem, but I wasn't able to find one. I would like to generate...
