nuxt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nuxt copied to clipboard

The Intuitive Vue Framework.

Results 1122 nuxt issues
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### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.1 - node: v14.18.1 ### Reproduction Additional Details I add a prop `foo` to `publicRuntimeConfig` in `nuxt.config.js`, and there is a env variable with the...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v16.13.2 ### Reproduction Use this repo for reproduction. ### Steps to reproduce **Method 1 - Run for dev env:** ``` npm run...


Hi! Please make the builder able to resolve layouts from subfolders in the layouts folder. currently it's only able to resolve .vue files which are directly under the layouts folder,...


- node: ### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce * asyncData ```js async asyncData({app}) { let form = {} // console.log(70, app.$api) console.log(71, app.$api.common.getProfile) const res = await app.$api.common.getProfile() // lose...


### Versions - nuxt: 2.15.8 - node: 16.14.2 - macOS: 12.3 - Safari: 15.4 ### Reproduction Attempt to print a page using any of these buttons in Safari: ``` Print...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v16.14.0 ### Reproduction I try to use nuxt to build a blog. Using markdown to render html. I found that if path contain...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.53.8 - node: 16.13.0 ### Reproduction Additional Details I'm trying to use two dependent npm packages that seem to need transpiling in nuxt.config.js: ```js export...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.18 - node: v16.14.0 ### Reproduction component that show `foo` in the template with ```js data() { return { foo: "foo_data", }; }, props: { blok:...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v16.14.0 ### Reproduction methods: { updatePassword() { const param = { token: (this.$route.query.token), password: this.password }; this.newPassword(param); } } ### Steps to reproduce...


The bug was discovered by a user of [Bryntum Scheduler]( and reported it in [this forum post]( However, it can be easily reproduced w/o Bryntum libraries by adding the following...
