nuxt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nuxt copied to clipboard

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Results 1122 nuxt issues
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We have a s3 deploy running that simply syncs the contents of a build to the bucket. ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. With each...


### Versions - nuxt: V2.14, V2.15.3 - node: 15.3, 17.5.0 ### Reproduction ~~ ### Steps to reproduce Simplest example is to use Facebook developer tools to reproduce. I tried...


### What problem does this feature solve? When working with distributed nuxt apps, that can be added in a plug-in manner, there has to be a mechanism to hook in...


### Problem Why doesn't the local configuration for meta title and description override the global configuration The problem is that when I change the meta tags and links on the...


### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v16.15.1 - OS: Windows 11 ### Details Not sure if I am the only one experiencing this issue, but after stopping Nuxt command...


## Types of changes - [x] Bug fix (a non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [ ] New feature (a non-breaking change which adds functionality) - [ ] Breaking...

### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.8 - node: v14.19.1 ### Reproduction We cannot deterministically reproduce the problem yet. We have a Nuxt application running in universal mode. We are also using...


### Environment Nuxt CLI v3.0.0-rc.4 10:14:17 RootDir: /Users/lookis/projects/tmp/ 10:14:18 Nuxt project info: 10:14:18 ------------------------------ - Operating System: `Darwin` - Node Version: `v16.15.1` - Nuxt Version: `2.16.0-27146894.17bbb21b` - Package Manager: `[email protected]`...

pending triage

### Versions - nuxt: v2.15.3 - node: v14.19.1 ### Reproduction this is my blog: []( ,memory leak is happen it fitst start,memory useage is small 2022/6/23 15:30:00: node /node/nuxt-blog-client/node_modules/.bin/nuxt start...


While we are working on Nuxt 3 stable release, Nuxt 2 has to keep some dependencies in their older versions to avoid breaking changes. These include `webpack@4`, ~~`postcss@7` and `core-js@2`~~....
