Problem Statement: _"visiting via a browser (text/html) the URIs of RDF, RDFS and OWL returns the turtle serialization of them. Would it not be better to provide a more human-friendly...
Would be nice if there exist a semi-updated list where people could add their public vocol instances (uri). Maybe as a Wiki, which every github user can easily edit and...
Hi, not directly VoCol development, but it would be nice to review if the list should stay like this. There are a couple of 404's. Apparently my /limbo/ instance was...
To add another way for Non-IT users to provide the ontology development with valuable feedback, having some kind of issue tracking system in place could be helpful. One way to...
The City of Los Angeles works on a "Mobility-data-specification". It is worth checking out and how it relates to our work: - Driver: **City of Los Angeles** - Based on...
### Idea for an exchange I think you are doing a pretty good job and putting mobility standards on a more stable footing. We have a similar activity in Europe,...