To what project did you move? Another FB SDK? @kevinclarkadstech
Probably not as FB is all in the 'flow' party.
+1 on this, key combinations using 'alt' do not fire the callback func .
+1 for this...
+1 on this!
Will fix this!
What is the 'latest version' ? Everything looks fine on my machine.
This is true! Can you provide some more details on versions etc.? I'm still not facing this issue. So a bit more context would be great for me to investigate...
Hi @mfix22 I think this is due too new updates on how colors are processed... I'm looking into it at the moment. But for now you can disable semantic highlighting...
Hi @FezVrasta, I'm not sure what you want me to do with a HTML screenshots of VSCode. We don't change any HTML on purpose as the colors are 'just' processed...