Does 10.12.4 has any usb sleep issue? I have suffered this...
the laptop usb devices(inner keyboard + touchpad is ok), bug outter usb is not work from sleep.
https://github.com/V5OSX/kexts that's all kexts i have install. maybe i will try FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext (Maybe fix USB Sleep issue)
i will check the log after sleep; but after work hah myabe USBInjectAll.kext worked. try after home; 👍 @michaelspeed
I am using ElanTouchPad(ElanTouchPad): ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext link - update :Version v4.6.5 (10 - 12 - 2016) (work in progress, available to try from attachments). cause elan touchpad
@michaelspeed USBInjectAll.kext will fix usb sleep issue.... wifi maybe BCM43228 802.11n Wireless will work well...
@Majkwin Can you share the clover & kexts for the El capitan ? _Tks very much_
personal points: 1. usb problems: i think it was caused by the New OSX 10.11.1 drivers problem; fixed clover config will figure this out & right drivers : PS if...
@striimer So much thanks. I will try it this weekend. :xd
hello, i just find a way to solve it; 1. Be sure SIP is off 2. using OsxAptioFix2Drv instead of OsxAptioFixDrv 3. if you have more than one Memory, update...