
Results 52 comments of Mattia

We could try and look at other implementations of multi line REPLs (see Python) and maybe implement something similar or come up with an even better solution, once I'm done...

if you're interested, my collaborator made a line editing library for the language we're working on (based on clox) [here]( It's handy because it doesn't require any modification to the...

> What I did was simply scrap the repl from the `C` source and implemented it in my Lox deviate directly. Since I already support lists, vectors, generics, dictionary, exceptions...

I don't think that's doable. To test my own implementation one of my collaborators wrote a testing framework entirely from scratch that can be configured in lox source files to...

While a refc GC would technically be faster, it would require another GC to detect cyclic references (which a refc GC doesn't detect), like for example Python does (using a...

If I knew Rust I'd do it! I'll probably try to fork this and make a nim version :)

> So this should work with a virtualized network (overlay environment) where the clients are actually on separate physical LANs (VPN, wireguard, vxlan) God. Please someone try this.

also lol we were mentioned in the releases page 🤣

Is there any update on this? My backend is fully asynchronous and at the moment I cannot use my helper functions to identify users by their API key because it's...

Hi. Yeah this issue would still be relevant, can you illustrate any way of customizing that method?