
Results 52 comments of Mattia

Well, that's a shame indeed. I'll have to see if I can work on making a PR in the coming weeks, because this project is really useful and it'd be...

Starting work on the PR for this issue. Does anyone have any extra guidance before I begin?

~~Wouldn't wrapping the regex into a non-capturing group work? Say your regex is `pattern`, you could feed this string to the regex factory: `(?:pattern){min,max}`~~ Nope, doesn't work. Didn't know what...

The thing I realized is that this is a much more complicated issue than it seems. On a theoretical level, a regex engine is a Deterministic Finite Automaton (or a...

Also, another thing: we have to remember that it may not always be possible to generate a string that can match a regex _and_ stay within some defined length constraints....

> @nocturn9x any updates on this? Heh, currently no. It's a much more complicated issue than it seems at first

@berzi I agree with your assessment. This is a highly non-trivial problem to solve, and even a hypothetical solution would probably be quite computationally expensive

> I think logically there is no way to consistently solve this problem. > > Regex pattern complexity is potentially unbounded, and there is no way to know where to...

> > > I think logically there is no way to consistently solve this problem. > > > Regex pattern complexity is potentially unbounded, and there is no way to...

If anyone is still looking for the solution, setting the domain to `localhost:3000` fixed my problem. Such a stupid fix for a stupid problem :P