
Results 52 comments of Mattia

Many thanks! I switched the color scheme back to Catppuccin and it fixed it :)

What is wrong with people.

Honestly I don't think allowing manual resource management makes sense. At the end of the day, context managers provide a cleaner and more structured way of doing the same thing...

That's because Python's `__bool__` implementation only checks if `len(x) != 0`. This can be fixed if `any`/`all` are used instead, depending on the use case. In this case I think...

AFAIK You can't read more than 62 sectors because that's the hard limit of what you can do in real mode

Or you could just, you know, learn the language?

> > Or you could just, you know, learn the language? > > no It's hilarious someone felt the need to reply to a rhetoric question

> > > > Or you could just, you know, learn the language? > > > > > > > > > no > > > > > > It's...

> > > > > > Or you could just, you know, learn the language? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >...

> > > > > > > > Or you could just, you know, learn the language? > > > > > > > > > > > > >...