Matteo Abrate
Matteo Abrate
WARNING the first problem has been masked with checks (this avoids cluttering the debug console)
the second problem seems to be related to the animation player's changing of the Ice shape (is_on_ice() returns false)
This is still not working, it should be done.
Done. And bumping has now a zero threshold, so it happens whenever ships touch. Moreover, since balls and the like are now shown more clearly as grabbed object, there's no...
The "bump" signal could still be leveraged to simplify stealing though.
Those games caused a negative reaction by players that were expecting to respawn. This still stands, but you are right that it applies to some degree to many other cases.
Issues like this should be left open, but removed from the project of the next release.
Since the introduction of playlists (Worlds) this is no longer needed. Closing.
I found it in [this MDN documentation page](, which lead to the [HTML Living Standard spec]( I am not 100% sure about the status of these specifications, but the W3C...
I hope it could be a matter of adapting the code to accept two different radii, given that the `A` command in an SVG path definition already represents an elliptical...