Nate Gosselin
Nate Gosselin
**User Story:** As a potential grantee I want to have access to the onboarding doc So that I can get guidance if I need it **Acceptance Criteria** GIVEN that I...
**User Story:** As a grantee I want to display an estimated lifetime funding amount (instead of an "exact" number) So that contributors know how to contextualize the number **Acceptance Criteria**...
**User Story:** As a grantee I want to display an estimated lifetime funding amount (instead of an "exact" number) So that contributors know how to contextualize the number **Acceptance Criteria**...
**Acceptance Criteria** - Add alerting for the CLR calcs when they fail or error **XD Links:** **Tech Details:** **Open Questions:** **Notes/Assumptions:**
**Acceptance Criteria** - Add alerting for the read replica load **XD Links:** **Tech Details:** **Open Questions:** **Notes/Assumptions:**
**Overview:** [Owocki outlined a fix]( for changing celery worker's jobs immediately instead of having to go through Redis. We want to create a runbook for that fix so we can...
**Acceptance Criteria** - Set thresholds for our celery queues - Set up Pager duty for when those queues are out of thresholds **XD Links:** **Tech Details:** **Open Questions:** **Notes/Assumptions:**
**Overview** Right now all celery jobs go into the same default queue, which makes it hard to set thresholds or troubleshoot when the queues get too large. We want to...
**Acceptance Criteria** Add Monitors for the following (this list is WIP): - [x] High number of 500s - [ ] High Number of instances (indicates Autoscaling is working, but consuming...
**Overview** A user is trying to import their Github avatar to their Gitcoin profile but it won't persist. **Steps To Reproduce** 1. Impersonate user ncookiez 2. Go to My Account...