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Change lifetime funding to estimate on grants detail page
User Story: As a grantee I want to display an estimated lifetime funding amount (instead of an "exact" number) So that contributors know how to contextualize the number
Acceptance Criteria GIVEN that I am on the grant details page WHEN I look at copy in the lifetime funding section THEN I see a revised heading that reads "Estimated lifetime funding received" AND the "raised from all contributors" is replaced by "This number should not be used for accounting purposes."
GIVEN that I am on the grant details page WHEN the grant has earned >$1,000 THEN the display reads "~$N", where N is the amount rounded to the nearest thousand (instead of an exact dollar amount)
GIVEN that I am on the grant details page WHEN the grant has earned <$1,000 THEN the page displays "Less than $1,000"
Product & Design Links:
Grant detail page with Lifetime Funding Section included for reference
Tech Details:
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