Create a subset of tests for the test framework specifically for geometry based data.
A user should be able to select a Nif Format version, which will in-turn provide a selection of possible supported games types for that version. The selected "Game" is used...
Migrated from I asked you via PM about the possibility of a certain script, to overcome the box shape collision bounding box issue (Blender), for PYFFI. It's a type...
Ensure that all properties that we currently expose via the UI have associated tooltip information which matches the corresponding documentation usage.
Increase code coverage by allowing different setting for import & import. This will also be required as for tests which require specific options to be set for correct import/export eg....
We need to add support to detect alpha channels in textures. The problem is that some texture use the alpha channel for other purposes.
Use old blender to create EGM. Compare with conformulator output The headhuman.nif and egm are the 'normal' FO3 assets, for reference. cyberhoodm.nif is the nif I want an egm for....
Figure out how the radius should be calculated. The current code has has the following (6 \* self.HavokScale) multiplication of the largest absolute value of vertex values. This is used...
Investigate representing the various bhktransform shapes as objects/empties. There are number of nodes which have their transforms combined and applied to the collision object such as bhkRigidBodyT, bhkConvexTransformShape.
Currently the scripts work by add the havok_material as a property. We can utilitse the existing material system and create a HAVOK_MATERIAL set of bpy.types.Materials. This would create a more...