
Results 17 issues of natowi

正在初始化模型...100% - jumps to 100% instantly but freezes on my local machine. It looks like the model/weights are not included in the repository. this.modelFilePath /demos/data/manga_colorization/ It´s looking for the weights...

Some parts were tricky to translate (especially with the 120 characters limit). Reviews are welcome.


## Description Clarifying Distortion Parameter order Related to

do not close

How about joining the development efforts for _one_ Meshroom Blender Add-in? @tibicen (meshroom2blender) (I chose to post on your Issues by random as I had to ask this somewhere) @SBCV...

Hi @stuarta0 would you be interested in wrapping up your blender-photogrammetry plugin as a Meshroom node that can be used for format conversion within Meshroom? It would be awesome...

**Describe the bug** Change area size cursor () overlays icons. The red border represents the area where the "change size" cursor is still active and is prioritized over the buttons...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** If you computed a node with specific describers, you can nor reuse a subset in a new node, as deselecting...

feature request

_Originally posted by @Onlyshelton in Please see the image below and attach logo status text insert. My screen has been stuck on this same page for over 10 min...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be great if there was a way to enter the values for each color in the node. The...

feature request

Hi @boy1dr, thank you for this nice SpleeterGUI! I read your notice on the website, mentioning your bandwidth problems. I am familiar with similar issues from other projects. Maybe you...