Nabeel S.

Results 133 comments of Nabeel S.

I'm not sure what you mean, which official example? The one in the examples directory doesn't work. Removing CEF Python from the window (not calling embed or whatever) fixes the...

Sorry - I should have included the versions in the original post: ``` Connected to pydev debugger (build 202.7319.50) [] CEF Python 66.0 [] Python 3.7.8 64bit [] Tk 8.6.9...

Yeah, I saw those, possibly related because they'd be sorta the same callback, but I think that's a separate problem from the window drag. Those changes are already in with...

Oh wow, ok, that seems to have fixed it. Still with the example, changing: ``` settings = {} if MAC: settings["external_message_pump"] = True ``` To just ```python settings = {...

Got it, thank you so much for your help. I'm gonna dig into this and see if I can understand it properly. I think with Tk refactoring it in a...

I need to pull it down and fix the issues it's finding (more style problems). I don't know why it's picking up on those now and hasn't before

So you'd like per-minute, per pax and per weight unit expenses?

Yea that should have been a separate issue but it's ok